Questions11to15arebasedonthefollowingpassage: UnliketheirAmericanorEuropeancounterparts,carsalesmeninJapanworkhardtogetabuyer.Insteadoflyinglazilyaroundshowroomswaitingforcustomerstodropby,manyJapanesecarsalesmenstillgoouttogetthem.Theywalkwearilyalongthestreetscarsdoor-to-door.Newcustomersarehuntedwithfruitandcakeson...
Rhode Island. The first, on June 10, was taken by Harold A. Trudel, who pulled his car over in East Woonsocket in order to wait for a UFO sighting (several of which he claimed to have already experienced in the area). The seven images he captured over the course of five minutes...
The foundations of this discovery are to be founded in a friendly conversation between Larry Hench and a U.S. Army colonel just returned from the Vietnam War in 1967 [5]. The topic of the talk was the rejection of polymeric and metal implants, which were used at that time for the ...