资源介绍: 这是吴敏兰推荐的英文绘本,插图有趣,故事语言简单,适合英语启蒙,这本英文绘本,还被翻拍成电影野兽王国,可想而知它的流行程度 凯迪克奖英文绘本野兽出没的地方Where The Wild Things Are 高清PDF+MP3商品评论评论(71人参与,11条评论) 发布 最新评论 cschenchen 2024年11月02日 10:20 回复 木石 2024...
这里有一份不错的资源 点击[野兽家园 Where the Wild Things Are (2009)(1)]即可获取~ 你觉得这个资源能帮到你不,要是还有其他资源需求,尽管告诉我哦~
Where The Wild Things Are(野兽家园)的压缩包里面,有avi动画、非常清晰的PDF文档以及单独的MP3音频。使用流程建议这样,先让孩子看mp4动画,然后再听音频(自己提取),最后看书,可以一个星期读这一本,也可以2、3天读一本。 Where The Wild Things Are(野兽家园)是一本另类的绘本,这本书无论是从人物角色,还是从...
美国凯迪克大奖绘本Where the Wild Things Are(干货).pdf,明眼人一眼就能甄别出好坏,对英语学习者或考试的来说,具有很大的参考和实用价值。我也是花了一番功夫才收集到这个最新的版本。现分享给真正需要的人!只需直接下载,花小钱而节省时间去干更重要的事。要相信:学
Where the Wild Things Are is written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak. Read the book's summary and discover more about the characters in Where the...
少儿英语绘本《Where the Wild Things Are》野兽出没的地方,资源下载地址: http://www.jzwtny.com/thread-665-1-54.htmlwww.jzwtny.com/thread-665-1-54.html 由于绘本是以“野兽”为主题,孩子们可能会有恐慌心理,建议爸爸妈妈和孩子一起阅读哦~ 有关英语资源就分享到这里,如果想知道更多关于英语学习资料...
Where the wild things are: urbanization and income affect hunting participation in Tuscany, at the landscape scaleHuntingOutdoor recreationHunter declineTrendWildlife value orientationsModernizationUrbanizationIn the last few decades, hunters decreased in Italy, reshaping human-wildlife conflicts and ...
See Where the Wild Things Are/Good Hair/Couples Retreat/Paranormal Activity/An Education/The Damned United's production, company, and contact information. Explore Where the Wild Things Are/Good Hair/Couples Retreat/Paranormal Activity/An Education/The Da
Whale sharks are commonly seen in this area from late July through September, and as this was the first week of October—we were very lucky to have such an interaction. Located on the eastern shoreline of the Baja Peninsula, this large, protected anchorage is also known as the Bay of the...
英文简介:Where the Wild Things Are is fifty years old! Maurice Sendak's Caldecott Medal-winning picture book has become one of the most highly acclaimed and best-loved children's books of all time. A must for every child's bookshelf. ...