親人會離開她,愛人傷害她,而濕地永遠接住她。只要你走得足夠遠,就可以去往蝲蛄吟唱的地方。P.S. & 有好些瞬間會覺得這本和《偉大的孤獨》類似 都是富家女孩跟著窮小子去陌生的地方。相信愛會戰勝一切,然後開啟噩夢般的一生。結婚絕不是解決問題的方式,懷孕亦然。問題依然會出現,以更暴力的方式。如果成家是試一試...
Where the crawdads sing /蝲蛄吟唱的地方 小说《蝲蛄吟唱的地方》以少女Kya成长和谋杀案审判两条线索穿插展开,讲述了被沼泽养育的少女经历偏见、背叛、遗弃和孤独的故事,文字细腻优美,情节引人入胜。前不久小说被改编成电影《沼泽深处的女孩》,女主由我喜欢的英剧《normal people》的女主扮演,虽然电影删减了一些小说...
影评|《Where The Crawdads Sing》——沼泽深处的女孩 《沼泽深处的女孩》是这样一种影片,50分的影像加80分的故事,最终成片65分。如许多女性导演的作品一样,女性困境是影片最重要的主题。女主角经历中,童年时的家庭暴力、被抛弃、教育缺失,成年后的独居和暴力威胁都是现实社会中女性大概率会遇到的威胁。而这...
Where the Crawdads Singfollows Catherine “Kya” Clark (Daisy Edgar-Jones from theHuluseriesNormal People), a young woman who is placed under arrest for the suspected murder of Chase Andrews (Harris Dickinson) in the film’s opening prologue. After a kind-hearted lawyer (David Strathairn) subs...
Edgar-Jones’ easygoing allure isn’t enough to bind Where the Crawdads Sing together, though, leaving the film a generic, dull outing. By Jenny Nulf FULL REVIEW 35 ABC News Jul 15, 2022 The Delia Owens bestseller about sex and murder in the Carolinas comes to the screen as an antiseptic...
Read an in-depth review and critical analysis of Where the Crawdads Sing by film critic Brian Eggert on Deep Focus Review.
影评【Where The Crawdads Sing】(沼泽深处的女孩):沼泽寓意黑暗和危机,不可预测,自小被伤害的女主尊重丛林生存法则,别于常人思维和内心镇定,不单单原始、纯真的人设,学会自保是后天的一种技能。汐滩风景优美,被渣男骗取感情同样低能,庭审中的众人,最终用良知战胜了偏见。黛西·埃德加-琼斯演技到位,羞涩和成熟并举...
Related:Murina Review: Cannes Winner Captures Coming-Of-Age Angst Timelines in Where the Crawdads Sing Where the Crawdads Singweaves together two timelines. A courtroom drama in the present unfolds concurrently with Kya's life up to Chase's mysterious death. Director Olivia Newman (First Match)...
“Where the Crawdads Sing” is really just a swampy riff on “Pygmalion,” with Eliza Doolittle reimagined as a semi-feral outsider who’s obviously the hottest girl in town, but lives in almost complete isolation until the Zack Siler of Barkley Cove teachers her how to read and make out...