“Where the Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens is a stunning blend of mystery, romance, and a poignant coming-of-age story set against the wild, untamed beauty of the North Carolina marshlands. The novel revolves around Kya Clark, known as the “Marsh Girl,” who grows up isolated from the...
Mary Lincoln is shown with two of her four sons. Willie is to our left and Tad is to our right. Tad’s name is Thomas. He was so wiggly that he was nicknamed Tadpole. One of the Lincoln’s sons, Eddie, died when they had lived in Springfield. The eldest Lincoln boy, Robert, was...
Mary Lincoln is shown with two of her four sons. Willie is to our left and Tad is to our right. Tad’s name is Thomas. He was so wiggly that he was nicknamed Tadpole. One of the Lincoln’s sons, Eddie, died when they had lived in Springfield. The eldest Lincoln boy, Robert, was...
she would write about something “good” that day, even if it was just a fleeting moment. She thinks about how later she stopped being able to find the beauty and goodness in ordinary tiny things, but very recently as she was thinking about Simon and Alice’s messages,...
alone in the marsh that she calls home, finding friends in the gulls and lessons in the sand. Then the time comes when she yearns to be touched and loved. When two young men from town become intrigued by her wild beauty, Kya opens herself to a new life – until the unthinkable ...
At the end of the day, the best way to decide whether you’re on team love or hate is to dive into the world that is Colleen Hoover. Here’s the order in which you should read Colleen Hoover books for the ultimate introduction to the viral author. 1. Verity Goodreads Rating: 4.32 ...
🍂 October Birthstone: Opal 📿 October Opals Framed by SoundEagle October Opal 📿 The Natural Birthstone seduced the sign of Scorpio and Libra Let Her Noble Beauty be fit for a Gallant King of Constantinople The National Gemstone produced most bounteously in Australia Set Personal Jewellery ...
’ by Kristin Baggelaar. There was my mother, captioned a ‘Copa-beauty.’ Kristin organized a Copa reunion in New York last September. I went in place of my mother, but all day I felt as if she was seated next to me. I fell asleep that night staring out the hotel window, feeling...
It’s honestly difficult to say for sure. I tend to be impulsive with what books I pick. But the ARC ofThis Terrible Beautyis calling to me. Next 5 Star Read I intend to readThe Helpvery soon. And I’m positive that this gem will garner 5 stars from me. I’ve said it!
The Beauty of Email Marketing Very few authors are using email marketing today to build their fan base. Progress that it’s easy to make headway with this valuable marketing tool. Fact is, email marketing is many times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined. How can you turn your...