Rubyis anobject-oriented programming (OOP)scripting language designed for front- and back-end web development, which enables programmers to write more efficient code. Javarepresents an OOP-based language that's used extensively on the web and limits the number ofimplementation dependencies. Inter...
One of the best ways to learn something new is to see how the things you already know are used in it. This document does not intend to make its readers familiar with the design or architectural patterns; it suggests basic understanding of the concepts of the OOP, design patterns and archit...
This tool was inspired by, which is just awesome. Apart from the language and web technologies related tool, we also have some dedicated tools to create, test and share regular expression! –supports javascript, ruby, .Net –su...
We should somehow connect the message data piece by piece, like the faucet and the hose in the garden. This is the same approach used by IO. This is also the approach used by Go. Go took this idea and took it a big step forward. This is a language about composition and connection. ...
This website has a vast collection of free eBooks on different programming language and guides. Typical of such are; C#, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, etc. One funny or rather a peculiar aspect of LeanPub is that it gives you the freedom to download eBooks free. You may pay any book you ...
More information on how to use the logger is at Also, Ruby documentation can be found at There are several books available online as well: * Programming Ruby: (Pickaxe) * Learn ...
There are other web-related programming languages as well, including PHP, Ruby, Python, and ASP.NET, that run on the server and process data and information before it is sent to the user’s browser. See the sidebarFrontend Versus Backendfor more information on what happens where. ...
Today I came across a really cool method in Ruby’s Hash class. I cannot believe I missed it all these days. Its a class method and its syntax is: Hash[](args) Since Ruby is cool, when you doHash[1,2,3,4]you actually are doingHash[](1,2,3,4). ...
Can I have two methods with the same name and same number of parameters like Ruby? can I query a struct (or class) to get a list of it's attributes and data types? Can I sell a game made using Visual Studio 2015 COMMUNITY Can i specify which sql index to use, in Linq - querry...
“I would go into little towns in Georgia, sometimes in ruby red parts of the state, or in just some little small area. And folks would be surprised that I was there.” President Joe Biden beat Donald Trump with just about 12,000 more votes to win Georgia’s electoral college v...