where people start driving less, start taking it easier to conserve gas when they do drive, or start prioritizing the most economical vehicle in their garage. If enough people do it, demand begins to decline, and gas stations have to compete for dwindling business...
It was essentially a vehicle for Rosca’s music. When Rodion G.A. played live, mostly it was just Rosca. Sometimes, new musicians were brought onboard. There were changes in the lineup which was fluid. However, the band was still a popular draw when they played live over the next ...
He worked at KXOL and KBOX-Dallas, KXYZ-Houston, WNOE-New Orleans, WFUN-Miami and WMEX-Boston but his radio highlights were working at KFI and especially at KMPC. "Prior to KFI I worked part time for KMPC when Russ Barnett was pd. "I loved each and every minute of it. As my ...