Turkey is one of the centers of origin for wheat which grows on 8.5 million ha and annually produces 20-24 million tons. Though modern varieties have been widely grown in most areas, some Wheat Land Races (WLR) are being planted in some niche locations, especially i...
In most cases, I am a 100% Whole Wheat person, nevertheless I highly recommend you start out your sourdough experience with unbleached flour – NOT whole wheat. Three reasons:1. Whole wheat flour is a whole different ball game. It requires its own degree of patience as you figure it out....
Unlike America, Australia and Canada, South Africa has never developed and grown a thriving junior mining sector. In a country where a handful of large multinational companies dominated the mining space for such a long time, it is natural that entrepreneurs were never really given enough room to...
Vary your grains. One way to avoid arsenic in rice is obvious: Eat less of it by substituting more of other grains like wheat, barley or oats. ... Cook your rice like pasta. ... Rinse your rice. ... Know where your rice was grown. ... Rethink brown rice. ... Sorry, going or...
On less saline sites there are other species, including tall wheat grass and some of the waterlogging-tolerant clovers, such as Balansa and Persian, which will grow and persist. In most parts of the world where there is saline land, saltbushes often form an important component of the forage...
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