wget --no-check-certificate -c --header"Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/11.0.2+9/f51449fcd52f4d52b93a989c5c56ed3c/jdk-11.0.2_windows-x64_bin.exe Download JDK 8.0.201 macOS: wget --no-check-certificate -c --header"Cook...
I tested it in a VM running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS where I installed Firefox nightly and Cockpit, hit the error (current stable Firefox seems fine at the moment). Then I ran the wget and apt commands above and refreshed the page, which worked. ...
[root@oldboyedu ~]# type -alslsis aliased to `ls--color=auto'# 是别名lsis /usr/bin/ls[root@oldboyedu~]# type -aforforis a shell keyword# 是shell脚本的关键字[root@oldboyedu~]# type -a cd cd is a shell builtin# shell的内置命令cd is/usr/bin/cd# 外部命令,备胎[root@oldboyedu~]# ...
1.文件的下载命令 1)wget 这个命令不是下载下来自带的,是后期安装的 wget 不加参数,后面直接跟下载地址,默认下载到当前目录 选项-O 后面指定下载路径 格式是 wget -O /etc/21 后面加网址 是指定下载到/etc目录下,并且命名为21 PS:如果不需要改名字,则需要在网址后面加上文件的原名 2)curl 是虚拟机最小化...
The lottalinuxlinks.com linux user web blog is where an old linux user rambles on about linux, FOSS, movies, books, and other geekery.
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After a recent update, I'm getting the following error when trying to run phpbrew: $ phpbrew whereis: illegal option -- b usage: whereis program [...] (this comes from bashrc#L100) The following section is from the manual page for wherei...
In case of 2 new blocks, first, the one that is based on the longest chain wins. If they both have the same parent (so they have the same chain length), a fork will occur, where a part of the network will work on adding on top of one block while part of the network will work...
yum install lrzsz -y locate #查找文件 -i 忽略大小写 (我们不用此命令,用find命令) which #查找命令的绝对路径 whereis#查找命令的绝对路径,同时还会列出该命令的帮助手册 type #查找命令的绝对路径,同时还能看到该命令是shell内置的(内核自带的)还是外置(存在某个目录下) ...
这里特殊符号被替换成空格,\n绕过了检查wget的grep命令,并将/etc/passwd的文件内容发送到代理机上。 接下来就是找flag文件,第三个路由(点击getflag)访问后看网站源码,可知flag文件名称是flag_is_here