Each plant is given man-made lighting to trick it into believing it is exposed to sunlight while vitamin and nutrients are put directly into its roots, meaning the lettuce does not need soil. Toshiba's new high-tech farm may produce the world's highest quality lettuce. The final product w...
Each plant is given man-made lighting to trick it into believing it is exposed to sunlight, while vitamin and nutrients are put directly into its roots, meaning the lettuce does not need soil. Toshiba’s new high-tech farm may produce the world’s highest quality lettuce. The final product...
These are fat-soluble vitamins that have a plethora of effects, ranging from being precursors to hormones (Vitamin D), improving androgen levels and androgen receptor sensitivity (Vitamin A), neuro-protection and neurogenesis (all three) and ensuring that calcium gets deposited in bones and not ...
Where in the cell does the citric acid cycle occur? Where does the NAD+ come from that is needed as substrate in glycolysis? (a) Only by import of niacin, a vitamin. (b) Only by fermentation in the cytosol. (c) Only by respiration (oxidation) of NADH in mitochondria. (d) By oxida...
Each plant is given man-made lighting to trick it into believing it is exposed to sunlight, while vitamin and nutrients are put directly into its roots, meaning the lettuce does not need soil. Toshiba"s new high-tech farm may produce the world"s highest quality lettuce. The final product...
Vitamin B-12. Introduction to vitamins and minerals | Biology foundations | High school biology | Khan Academy 18 related questions found How do we get vitamin D? Spend time in sunlight. Vitamin D is often referred to as “the sunshine vitamin” because the sun is one of the best sources...
Mangoes are a great source of Vitamin C (one cup alone gives you 100% of your daily allowance)! They’re also high in Vitamin A and studies have shown that low vitamin A levels at birth are associated with lower immunity. Plus, they’re delicious and refreshing! Even though I’ve ...
It’s clear that a lack of vitamin C can make people ill and weak easily.In order to get enough needed vitamins, many people take extra vitamins in pill form, 65 (believe) that these will make them 66 (health). But a good diet is made up of nourishing food and this gives all t...
For instance, there’s not any vitamin C in milk, and in order to live healthy lives, we need that nutrient as well. It’s nice to have options. Milk and dairy products are good choices, but they are not the only choices we have, and it is also very easy to get all the ...
In a place like Europe ,where the sun isn't so strong, a dark skin might not getenough sun to make vitamin D. That's why peoplewhose ancestors(祖先)are from Europe have lighterskin. Europeans with pale skin don't often get skincancer, because there is less sunlight in Europe.1. ...