Where is USA in World Map Where is Israel Where is Taiwan Where is Maldives Where is Switzerland Where is Monaco Where is Finland Where is French Guiana Where is Guadeloupe Where is New Zealand Where is Seychelles Where is Solomon Islands Cities of the World Here you can find detailed informa...
Map represents Where is Kenya located on the world map. Kenya is located in the eastern part of Africa continent. It is a coastal country that shares coastal boundary with Indian Ocean. The international boundary that Kenya shares with Ethiopia in the north, Sudan in the northwest, Somalia in...
The World Wildlife organization had many project and one such is E @ Crocodile in the Biodiversity Heritage site where E @ Stands for Infinite Number of Crocodile Projects as e^∞ is equal to infinity in which e is constant considering a crocodile and ∞ is variable considering the project ....
If peace on earth is too boring, let’s go visit the most alien-looking place. 索科特拉島 (阿拉伯語:سقطرى;Socotra;Suquṭra;Soqotra) 是西印度洋西北部的一群島,位於阿拉伯海與亞丁灣的交界處是由4座小島組合而成,屬於也門哈達拉毛省領土。 Socotra (Arabic: سُقُطْ...