Sparks says that although we tell ourselves what we’re seeing is not real, our brain hasn’t adapted to technology and still reacts as though what we see is factual. Shouldn’t we be conditioned to seek things to give us pleasure rather than what elicits these unpleasant side effects of ...
If you know of an error or a problem please let us know. All input and corrections are welcome and should be directed to the author. This document has not been subject to any formal IBM test and is distributed on an "as is" basis without any warranty either expressed or implied. ...
While public policy should drive us to energy conservation, a front-loaded rate design sends us in the other direction. For low-income customers, this is especially burdensome. By taking nearly $30 every month out of an already tight budget before any electricity is used, you take funds ...
learning about their role in EPV in their respective studies, and it is encouraging that some of them share this view: “I believe education on this topic is necessary, both for the general population and healthcare professionals, because nobody has clearly informed us about such issues ...