Located at the sight of the former Watertown Arsenal,Arsenal Yardsis the successor of the original Arsenal Mall, which operated from 1983 to 2013. In 2016, a new project to redevelop the mall into a mixed-use neighborhood for residents and visitors was unveiled. These days, the mall functions...
Map illustrating some key points of the area – Camp Bonifas is the bottom right of the map and the yellow JSA sign in the middle of the map indicates where the Freedom House is, while the yellow line is the demarcation line between the two countries After the presentation, we departed ...
If you are in the market for the ultimate bespoke audio/cinema system then Tim Jordan could be the guy to contact: “Every install is different, although the £12, 995 MA9000 integrated amplifier is popular, as is the £9, 600 C2600 preamp with the £12, 100 MC452 power amp. Th...
Another restaurant that I must mention, and am embarrassed that I have forgotten all these years, is Dar Poeta (http://www.darpoeta.com/), one of the best pizzerias in Rome, located just across the river in Trastevere. If memory serves, and as the lines out the door will attest, Dar...
Using a ZIP model, the pooled probability of children engaging in geophagia is 16% and when children do engage in this behavior, the rate of contact is one/h. A total of three children (one toddler and two young children) drank directly from surface water at two sites. The estimated ...