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I thought it would be easiest to stencil with the cover still on the bottle. I chose to use acrylic instead of fabric paint because it’s not ever going to be washed. The speaker is sewn in, so it must remain as is. Step 1: Mask off bottle neck. Gesso the bottle around the speak...
password was discovered by a goat being used on the palace grounds as a new and CHANGED green idea. The goat was discovered eating a written code on bogus Oval Office letterhead, “the cow jumped over the moon” it read. Rumor is the CIA couldn’t agree if “moon” was misspelled or ...
1branch0tags Code Clone HTTPSGitHub CLI Download ZIP This branch is1 commit aheadof gre:master. Latest commit Git stats 45commits Failed to load latest commit information. Releases No releases published Packages No packages published Languages ...