(plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-bash/plugins/*) # Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-bash/custom/plugins/ # Example format: # if [ "$DISPLAY" ] || [ "$SSH" ]; then # plugins+=(tmux-autoattach) # fi source "$OSH"/oh-my-bash.sh # User configuration # export ...
tmux customized tmux session chooser display Dec 16, 2023 twitch improved twitch streaming utilities Mar 21, 2016 vim added ability to specify custom clang library path for clang complete Apr 16, 2024 volumeicon/config/volumeicon.symlink updated volumeicon config ...
Jan 6, 2021 |linux,FOSS,tmux,variety,pywal,i3,urxvt I use pywal with the variety wallpaper changer to automatically change the color scheme of urxvt. I have all this happening in the background and set to a one hour interval. I also have a hot key assigned in my i3 config file so...
Jan 6, 2021 |linux,FOSS,tmux,variety,pywal,i3,urxvt I use pywal with the variety wallpaper changer to automatically change the color scheme of urxvt. I have all this happening in the background and set to a one hour interval. I also have a hot key assigned in my i3 config file so...
tmux-powerline/lib/config_file.sh Lines 73 to 82 in717688b #Set the default status bar colors to the theme's default colors. This section is here because it needs to be after the theme is sourced. if[-z"$TMUX_POWERLINE_STATUS_STYLE"];then ...
However, it also supports the custom format understood by tmux. This is especially useful if you want to manually resize your panes and keep using that layout in the future. You can grab the layout for the current window by running this command: ...
"tree_sitter/parser.h" becomes "parser.h"); This is needed so that the files are part of the same package, plus it also makes automation simpler; for unison the scanner file includes maybe.c which causes cgo to include the file twice and throw duplicate symbols error. The solution ...