three hit areas were defined with a total of 282 valid shots and an almost even distribution between classes. The impact area is spanned by a coordinate system in which the horizontal axis is defined as Impact Offset, while the center of the coordinate system is located at the sweet spot ...
Fans of motor-racing and golf will find perfect harmony atBrickyard Crossing Golf Club, where four of the 18 holes are located within the circumference of the fabled track. The course has hosted several events, including the Indy Women In Tech Championship in 2019 (Pictured, Mi...
Fans of motor-racing and golf will find perfect harmony atBrickyard Crossing Golf Club, where four of the 18 holes are located within the circumference of the fabled track. The course has hosted several events, including the Indy Women In Tech Championship in 2019 (Pictured, Mi Jung Hur) Mic...