Movie tonight?…been there. Sporting event?…done that.Do something different - COME PLAY BINGO !!With many of the positive changes in game of bingo and charitable gaming in Ohio over the last few years, bingo has moved out of the realm of “Grandma’s little secret” and into the ...
The Winter card has a similar function like the Monk, I'd think. Bingo! For relieving me from my sleepless nights worrying over this, I'm giving you a .Now only if I could get an answer to the second one...Cheers! Give GeekGold Tip Reply Quote More Options User actions menu ...
Feeling Blue Tonight Star Limits new single, beautifully done on the satisfaction riddim. Jamaican producer and artist Raphael (Romeo Django0 Foster believes that Star Limits have the musical touch and that's why this song is so great, Real Canadian flavor. ...
My mom and I have talked WW all summer. We are really into it. Tonight she introduced me to the most simple and wonderful marinade for salmon, pork, chicken, steak or tofu. She calls it the “Anything Marinade”. It is delicious and only adds 0.25 points to any meal. We used it on...
Cooking small fish is still not very common in my homeland, but here in Japan they are ubiquitous and tasty. There are a myriad ways to enjoy sardines and Miwa (AKA Paku) gives us a demo on how to clean them, or most any other kind of small fish. ...