The fire is burning in an area of grass and oak woodlands that hasnot experienced a large firesince 2003, CalFire said. Map shows spread of the Aero Fire in Calaveras County, California, on June 18, 2024.CalFire CalFire said 945 personnel with 114 engines and other equipment were involved...
Trail Map:The trail map is constantly being updated and can be found in thefilessection of that Friend of Onion Creek Facebook group. Description: The park is essentially divided into four sections. The north section is Onion Creek North MetropolitanPark and is maintained by the city with pavi...
WATCH: ABC13's Steven Romo walks you through the interactive map and the areas most affected by flooding.HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- From a cluster of residents in northeast Houston, to homeowners across the county, there have been nearly 1,300 flood-related complaints to the 311 hotline ...
So, there are many other factors that play into gasoline consumption, not just price. This includes long-term technology trends, such as more fuel-efficient vehicles, and the arrival of EVs on a scale that is now large enough to make a dent into gasoline consu...