What’s particularly interesting is that a number of these are symbols we’ve already been using in the tradition, a couple of which I even have tattooed on my body — and the fact that these originated in one of the most sacred locales in our tradition is just honey-glaze on the libu...
This really should come as no surprise – we have seen it before. In the Soviet Commissar forcing his female prisoners to be his sex slaves. In the Nazi camp guard waking up is prisoners with ice water in the middle of the night. Needless cruelty done just because the perpetrator can do...
Nearby is the temple of Dionysos Kolonates (of the Knoll), by which is a precinct of the hero who they say guided Dionysos on the way to Sparta. To this hero sacrifices are offered before they are offered to the God by the daughters of Dionysos and the daughters of Leukippos. For th...
There is another reason why we cannot regard the danger as having passed away. You have all the elements which made for the Great War of 1914 more potent62 than ever to-day. The atmosphere of Europe is charged with them. What made the last war? Armed international dislikes, rivalries63,...