Can you find the pineapple? There is one in (almost) every episode of Psych. Post your own findings or see others Season 1 Scary Sherry: Bianca’s Toast – Episode 15 Season 1| 16 Comments Shawn and Gus step into a real life urban legend, as they investigate a death suspiciously like...
The Last Movie1972 Dennis Hopper’s drug-induced “home movie” is an existential overdose that blends drugs, attempts at scripted dialogue and storyline, and a reality that outdoes any reality show ever as it was reality filmed as a movie – but maybe not always intentionally – a very Ac...
Ampeater Music is a website devoted to bridging the gap between unsigned (or just plain underexposed) artists and music lovers everywhere. Every day we feature a different artist on what we call The Ampeater Review. Each fea
Aphrodite: Singular souls, no. Even animals have multi-part souls. But technically you’re correct: we Gods don’t havepsychaieither, as those are only created at the moment of death, and our kind are deathless. Well, most of us are. But like humans, parts of our souls can come loos...
It would certainly be a welcome luxury to have several couches scattered about the venue when they play the Psych Fest, as my knees are already weak and all I want to do is sink into a cushion and marinate in this band’s enveloping and expansive glow. Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use ...
Keibler officially left the company in 2006. That was also the same year she competed on "Dancing With The Stars" and won third place. Since leaving WWE, she's appeared in TV roles including on "Chuck," "Psych," and "How I Met Your Mother." The mother of three says she's a lover...
One of my problems with Mad In America is that not enough seem quite mad enough. I would like to encourage more outrage. I feel that if we were talking about a situation in another country, the US would be outraged. If we were talking about a common subs
About RSD Advisory is an information, resource, support and research friendly adversaria relating to RSD(S)/CRPS, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, known also as, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Included here will also be information which may not b
Questions surrounding theGurdon Lightin Gurdon, Arkansas, abound—as do theories surrounding it. The glowing orb appears to have no man-made source, and it's not always found in the same spot. People who've spotted it don't even agree on what color it is. ...
It takes the greatest effort to get out of bed in the morning. I am tired all day, yet when night comes, sleep evades me. I stare at the ceiling, wondering what has happened to my life, and what will become of me. Nothing is getting done ...