A fun thing you may want to do is go to TrueTrace -> Resources -> RenderPipelines -> RendererHandle, and uncomment the "[ImageEffectOpaque]" If you use HDRIs, or CubeMaps for the skybox, you need to format as the texture to a Texture2D in the inspector of the image, unity will ...
I’ve been using Windows PowerShell since the very first version of Monad in 2005, but PowerShell-based applications with a graphic user interface (GUI) are a whole new world. Instead of thinking of cmdlets and parameters or properties and methods, you need to think in object events. And ...
After his sub is struck and sunk by a yacht, Lieutenant Scotty McClenahan comes up with the idea of ejecting the crewmen through the torpedo tubes, allowing them to make it to the surface. The catch, though, is that the last man aboard would be unable to trigger the firing of the tu...
Selfish, oh yes, but in mitigation, benefit for the dogs – win win. There are so MANY dogs needing temporary refuge in a home environment that one can choose where to help. Owners die unexpectedly, and the bereaved dog spirals into depression in a pound while a new home is sought. ...
If you use HDRIs, or CubeMaps for the skybox, you need to format as the texture to a Texture2D in the inspector of the image, unity will convert it automatically, then put it in the slot in "Scene Settings" in the TrueTrace settings menu With multi-pass ReSTIR GI, the additional pa...