Meteor showers are named after the constellation from which the meteors appear to emanate, known as the radiant. From Earth's perspective, the Orionid meteor shower appears to come approximately from the direction of theOrion constellation. Orion is located on the celestial equator and is visible ...
For the best view, locate the constellation Orion, the namesake of the meteor shower, and find the star Betelgeuse. Just to the north of this star is the shower's radiant, or point in the sky from which they seem to be coming, NASA said. Don't fix your gaze on Orion, though. Inst...
From Earth's perspective, the Geminid meteor shower appears to originate from approximately the direction of the Gemini constellation. Gemini is fairly easy to spot in the night sky as it is located northeast of the constellation Orion, between the Taurus and Cancer constellations. The two ...
International Space Station Transiting Between Alnitak And Alnilam In Orion Tonight with one comment This is the International Space Station transiting on March 7 around 7pm between Alnitak (to the left) and Alnilam (to the right) in Orion up in the London skies ISS in Orion Amazingly, it is...
A Comet of the High Dark: Where to See Comet Lovejoy Tonight Comet Lovejoy continues sailing northwestward, through Triangulum toward the feet of Andromeda. On the finder charts below, the date ticks on the comet's track are at 0:00 Universal Time, which is 7 p.m. on the previo...
—Night sky: What you can see tonight [maps] —The greatest meteor storms of all time The best time to view the Taurid meteor shower — both the northern and southern streams — is around midnight when the shower's radiant, the Taurus constellation, is high in the sky. ...
Gemini is fairly easy to spot in thenight skyas it is located northeast of theconstellation Orion, between theTaurusand Cancer constellations. The twobrightest starsin the constellation, Castor and Pollux, represent the heads of the Gemini twins. ...
To find the Perseid meteor shower, it's a good idea to look for the point in the sky where they appear to originate from, this is known as the radiant. According to NASA, the Perseids' radiant is in thePerseus constellation. Though Perseus isn't the easiest to find, it conveniently fo...
When is the best time to view the Draconid meteor shower? The best time to look for the Draconids is in the evening, after nightfall during the shower peak around Oct 8 , when the shower's radiant — the Draco constellation — is highest in the sky. Although peak viewing days are typic...
From Earth's perspective, the Perseids appear to come approximately from the direction of the Northern Hemisphere constellation Perseus. You can see the Perseid meteor shower best in the Northern Hemisphere and down to the mid-southern latitudes, and all you need to catch the show is darkness,...