Where is Bashar al-Assad heading?(Essay)Zisser, Eyal
Justine Nameere has the last laugh as Museveni appoints her presidential advisor “He chewed my sumbie countless times, I assure you his ‘cassava’ is bigger and taller,” Lwasa’s ex-girlfriend trash viral videos Nina Roz resorts to selling her ‘sumbie’ for survival Social Media up ...
Never mind the complements,where is the value?The production of complementary goods raises a number of interesting issues concerning firm strategy and value creation.doi:10.1111/j.1467-8616.2013.00957.xKoenigsberg, OdedBiyalogorsky, EyalOfek, Elie...
His regime appears more stable than ever, no mean feat given that Bashar's rule has coincided with perhaps the most difficult years the Baath regime has known in the past four decades.ZisserDirectorEyalDirectorMiddle East QuarterlyEyal Zisser, "Where Is Bashar al-Assad Heading?", in Middle ...