In our experience helping WordPress users with performance issues, we’ve often found that the `php.ini` file plays a key role. It is a core configuration file for PHP, the scripting language that powersWordPress websites. This file operates on the server side of your web hosting environment...
Frankie and the Andersons. Coming soon to a TV screen near you. Question 1: Winnie the Pooh recently starred in a horror movie. Which public domain character would you like to see taken in a new direction and what would that direction be? Response: Frankenstein’s monster is in the publi...
Where is your nonfiction section please. So long, farewell! Hi, friends. Apologies for my radio silence here. Since it's now been nearly a year since I stopped blogging, I realized it's time – beyond time – to officially say goodbye. It's taken that long because when I took a bre...
As long as they look cute and taste OK people will shower you with compliments– Such is the joy of cupcakes, no one gives enough fucks to bother you with suggestions or complaints (and if they do, kill them). Surely, with your new found “Dick-It-Yourself” skills, you’ll be the...
Blogging jobs (like all jobs) can vary widely in how much they pay, based on many different factors like who the client is, what your level of experience (and skill) is, your quality of output, the time to completion, what you’re able to negotiate and more. As a ballpark figure, ...
Blogging jobs (like all jobs) can vary widely in how much they pay, based on many different factors like who the client is, what your level of experience (and skill) is, your quality of output, the time to completion, what you’re able to negotiate and more. As a ballpark figure, ...
"The operation could not be completed. The parameter is incorrect." “An item with the same key has already been added” in dictionary (401) Unauthorized Issue and IIS [RESOLVED] [error] It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond ap...
Have been working on updating a lot of pages and links, its gonna take a while. In the mean time, here is a button to take you to the about page, which has been updated and also includes a link to the other places you can find me around the web. ...
First, I see “classic” Redactor is deprecated in favor ofRedactor X, and they want you to pay for it. Since I don’t plan on actually using, I’m going to assume the docs work as expected. Second,Laravel is now on version 9, which is a long way from version 3. Though interesti...
“The Affective Fallacy”, a kind of sister essay to “The Intentional Fallacy” discounts the reader’s personal reaction to a literary work as (you know where this is going) irrelevant. I know I’m repeating myself here a bit, but I feel it’s important to know The New Critics’ ...