The German Cycling Association (ADFC) reports that Germans across the country are spending twice as much time Centennial state is also home to the United States' largest sand dunes? See them for yourself at Great Sand Dunes National Park, where you can go sand boarding or "fat biking". ...
The Great Salt Lake Desert, located in northwestern Utah, is one of the best places in the United States to find meteorites. It is a vast, remote desert with a flat terrain, making meteorites relatively easy to spot. The dry climate also helps to preserve meteorites, which can otherwise b...
Parks to Explore Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP Colorado National Monument Dinosaur National Monument Florissant Fossil Beds NM Great Sand Dunes National Park - Expore the the Great Sand Dunes Hovenweep National Monument Mesa Verde National Park Zapata Falls Recreation Area(BLM) Cities Colorado Spring...
The air pushing through the sand grains of an avalanche at theGreat Sand Dunes National Parkcreates sounds similar to those made by certain birds or insects. The singing or booming sands usually occur during sandstorms or when people push the sand down the dunes. Due to the various applications...
A small lake high in Rocky Mountain National Park, Lake Poudre Pass, is the Colorado River's source. It's amazing that the mightly Colorado River begins as a teeny tiny little stream. The Colorado River Starts High in the Rocky Mountains ...
Became a National Park in: 2019 Indiana Dunes is a decidedly urban park, replete with industrialized surroundings including a power plant, a steel mill and all of Gary, Indiana. You can see Chicago from across the lake, and while you probably won't need bear spray here, you will find inc...
Boston Bay, which is the largest natural harbour in Australia. If you are looking to get away from camp for the day, you can hop in the car and check out the nearby Sleaford-Wanna sand dunes that look straight from the set of Star Wars or support local with a tasting atBoston Bay ...
Peru is a truly unique destination. Most famous for its fabled lost city of the Incas, Machu Picchu, Peru is that and so much more. The old capital of the Inca empire, Cuzco, is a living, breathing testament to over 3000 years of habitation.
Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve (Colorado): Plow right into these dunes by signing out a special, sand-friendly wheelchair.
They are as improbable as they are breathtaking. Saharan dunes set in an alpine valley 8,200 feet above sea level, nestled below Colorado's snowy Sangre de Cristo Mountains.Jillian Lloyd