Those living in cities, they argue, are “out of touch” with the needs of “real” Britons, Americans and French people. There is something peculiar about this argument. It is made by people who tend to live in homogenous communities and where difference is often denigrated, not celebrated...
Brisbane, QLD, Australia (BNE)Bristol (and vicinity), England, United KingdomBristol (and vicinity), Virginia, United States of AmericaBristol, England, UK (BRS-Bristol Intl.)British Virgin Islands (all)Brive-la-Gaillarde, France (BVE-Brive - Vallee de la Dordogne)Brize Norton, England, UK...
This paper is based on an invited lecture presented at the ARMA (ARMA-American Rock Mechanics Association) 2018 Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seat
but in a world of globalized production chains, how do we define where a bike is actually made? if the frame is welded in taiwan, the wheels are built in china, the components are manufactured in japan, the saddle is stitched in the uk and all the parts are put together in a ...
The concept of home encompasses relationships people develop with the physical, familial, social, and cultural environments in which they are embedded. It is through navigating these relationships that immigrants negotiate their identity and belonging in the settlement country. Yet, a significant gap exi...
Felons x Sofles Hazy Pale Nick Hall – Editor-in-Chief Growing up in Brisbane as a borderline delinquent, I spent a lot of time admiring the work of Sofles. If you were to race the two it would be very close and ultimately come down to gearing, ratios, and traction at launch. Going...
Sabrina decided to put her idea into action and so the Brisbane Tool Library was born. Within two years the tool library has grown to over 225 members and today is run by a team of volunteers, mostly women, from 13 different nationalities. For a small membership fee, the library offers...
Briefly, fake Rolexes for sale over time, the best replica watches eBay is a time-consuming archive of Edward Rouser, an extensive vision-making inventory tailored to meet fon top replica watch websites’ most demanding technological demands. fake watches in the world brand markup. Created over...
This is ta great place to show your mission, value statement, etc. Keep in mind that this will be a new follower's first impression of you. Spoon-feed them what you want them to think about you. Emojis can be an easy way to make it more readable or separate sections. MUST: Add a...
We focus on expertise relevant to any complex problem, especially contributory expertise, divided into ‘knowing-that’ and ‘knowing-how.’ We also deal with interactional expertise and the fact that much expertise is tacit. We explore three questions. First, in examining ‘when is expertise in...