The publishing history of the late Dave Stevens’ most famous creation almost takes longer to tell than... Cartoonist extraordinaire, Chris McCoy, created Safely Endangered comics in November 2012. Throughout the eclectic... Original...
" aka LSD blotter paper. Also known as theBlotter Barn, the museum is the brainchild—and home—of Mark McCloud, a self-professed acid-tripper who told Wired magazine that he credits LSD forsaving his lifewhen he fell out of a window while high. To meet...
hearths, should be analysed in conjunction with scattered contexts to tease out the cultural factors that influence the creation of a charcoal assemblage at a site (Asouti and Austin2005; Byrneet al.2013; Théry-Parisotet al.2010). However, in spite of this premise which is essential to the...
There has been an organ here since the end of the 19th century, but currently in the place of the old one stands a Glatter-Götz organ installed in 2013. In ballet and the opera organ music is quite common: For example, Tchaikovky used the organ in The Maid of Orleans; Verdi in D...
In total, the documentation of 44 records in Punjab was carried out, enabling the creation of a comprehensive distribution map of Aegle marmelos in the region (Figure 2). Figure 1. The Bael tree (Aegle marmelos) (A) branch with fruit; (B) fruit and fruit shell; (C) farmland with a ...