✅ I've bought MSFS 2020 and DLC - where in the various MS portals and account can I see this...:I've bought MSFS 2020 and DLC from MS Store - where in the various MS portals and account can I see this info?I've got a PC with Windows 11 and an Xbox...
this is not 2013 you people havent even realized microsoft took down the games folder please anyone tell me wheres the actuall location i dont know what u talking bout its creates its own folder (NO IT DOSENT!) please fix this Reply/Answer 1 Answers Jump to latest Agent Orange Guest ...
I moved the fplder into the scenery/add on scenery folder in the FSX file list... 0 1984 Mar 23 2021Sign-Up Signing-up for PRO gives you super fast, unrestricted speed to the thousands of MSFS, FSX, P3D & X-Plane downloads which include aircraft, scenery, and more - click ...