All rock trimmers work off the same concept: a rock is placed between two chisel-tipped points and pressure is used to pinch the rock and split it. This method of splitting is not without risk to specimens (sometimes it is going to split where you don’t want it to), but it offers ...
One of the biggest impacts of the Gigafactory will be demand for the critical minerals that will fuel it. Lithium, graphite and cobalt are all set to be key raw materials to make Tesla’s lithium-ion batteries, but the question remains whether the company can get the volumes and consistent ...
UAV business has also been valued at several billion dollars a year2, and the trend looks promising for the future, despite the fact that the biggest share of the market is still in military applications. This economic interest, the technological development and the growing miniaturization of on...
a joint venture with panasonic and other partners, brings everything needed to build batteries under one enormous roof.__ __raw materials like lithium will eventually arrive by rail. tesla won't be getting the stuff directly from a mine, but the supply chain doesn't start far from there. ...
The biggest mistake people seem to make with EVs is they assume people are going to be depleting the entire battery every single day. That is not going to be the typical use case. Most people are using their cars to go to work and back, maybe go home for lunch. For the mo...