The analysis in this podcast (and I am of course predisposed to believe it but also I think it’s evident in the public rhetoric of Trumpist politics) suggests that, as much as it’s hard to perceive, the big picture is that those Gen X politics, my politics, have actually become wid...
This is the sole originating source of the Bible, the Creed, the Commandments, the Precepts and all other Doctrines. It does not change. American law comes out of the Constitution, which itself is the supreme law, and which instructs and limits the creation of all lesser and inferior laws...
Where is Hell, and what is the Bible truth about hell fire? Does hell burn forever? Are the lost burning in hell now?
There is a story of a curious epidemic at Abdera, just after the accession of King Lysimachus. It began with the whole population’s exhibiting feverish symptoms, strongly marked and consistent from the very first attack. About the seventh day, the fever was relieved, in some cases by a vi...
Currently, with a President Trump in the Oval Office who is the antithesis of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in extraordinary courage, resilience, and a genuine respect for humanity, we Americans now have plenty to fear. Yet, we can’t afford to let fear stop us, which is FDR’s immor...
The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound; but you do not know whence it comes and whither it goes; such is every man who is born of the Spirit.Aramaic Bible in Plain EnglishThe Spirit breathes where he will, and you hear his voice, but you do not know from where ...
Monarch Mind Control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain’s trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave personality to surface and respond to commands ...
interpretation is that in the same breath the prophet rushes on to the most sweeping condemnation. Accordingly Schmoller, Wünsche, Huxtable (Speaker’s Commentary),and others understand the passage thus: “Shall I ransom them (doomed and dying in agonised travail) from the hand (or power) of ...
“life is short and then you die, so don’t sweat the small stuff.” And if recent events have taught me anything, it’s that in the grand scheme of everything, my poorly dealt hand feels like pretty small stuff now. Except for Alice, we all know she’s larger than life, and I...
The Grace is in recognizing what He suffered for us, including His sense of being abandoned by us. At one end of the connection, His weight is a little lifted off the nails, and at the other, the dark sense of abandonment is displaced a little by Love, when that Love flows both ...