2023, bringing players Sumeru's take on the infamous Theater Mechanicus. During the event, you can reunite with Fungi friends who we befriended duringFabulous Fungus Frenzy, including Bongo-Head, Kindlejoy, Twirly-Whirly, and Blitzara. Don't miss out on this rare opportun...
Sumeru Electro Crystal Locations Image via Genshin Impact Map Sumeru has the most Electro Crystal locations out of all the regions, partially because of how big it is.Southwest of Sumeru Cityand across the water are giant pockets of Electro Crystals that are perfect for farming the material. Th...
The Genshin Impact SumeruArchon Quest Chapter III: Act V - Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Risesis divided into five sub-quests, the fourth of which is calledWhere the Boat of Consciousness Lies. After meeting up with Nahida in the Sanctuary of Surasthana,...
Throughout Sumeru City All of Sumeru is extremely intertwined with nature and Sumeru City is no exception. Players can find the vibrant Padisarah flower scattered around the city, usually near its edges or the edges of paths. Image via Teyvat Interactive Map At Pardis Dhyai The Pardis Dhyai ...