Introduction Poverty is both an objective (absolute) and subjective (relative) phenomenon that has been experienced throughout human social development [1], and poverty alleviation is a major challenge for all nations, especially developing countries [2–4]. Within scientific communities, the ...
The popular stations are mostly located in south central of Shenzhen. Chegongmiao station is the most import hub in the network, with the largest number of tap-ins and tap-outs among all stations. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8, 271 9 of 18 with trip origins and destinations, ...
Some light can be shed on the use of the masculine in Lavanha's edition by the manuscript located at the Biblioteca Nacional de España, prepared to be used by the compositor [129] (p. 28). In it, contrary to what happened after being printed, 'tree' is always either in the ...