Among the proteobacteria-derived compounds pseudomonic acid/ mupirocin (BACTROBAN) interestingly is a marketed drug.4 Two-thirds (68%) of all cyanobacterial products (over 1200) are ribosomal-derived peptides, mainly large cyclopeptides and pepto- lides, with MWs between 800 and 1200. Most of ...
is above the single-cell level. Therefore, this techni- If dealing with uncultured microorganisms, mi- que is currently only suitable for application to well- crobial ecologists, in most cases, use the 16S rRNA structured microbial communities like those found gene to classify diversity and to ...
This drift in ambient redox potential is likely to have triggered the replacement of menaquinone by plastoquinone (and by ubiquinone in proteobacteria or caldariellaquinone in Sulfolobales). This change in pool quinone eventually isolated the A1-acceptor from the pool, definitively locking the fat ...
Several studies found a high abundance of the phyla Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria, with Streptococcus (belonging to the phylum Firmicutes) being the most abundant genus [60,61]. The presence of Verrucomicrobia in the oral cavity is often not described [60–64]. ...