3.1.1. Internal Research of the WEF Nexus The internal research on the WEF nexus in this study is understood as the iinntteeraction amonngg wwaatteerr,, eenneerrggyy,, aannddffooooddssyystsetemms.s.BaBsaesdedonotnhethaeboabvoevbeasbiacsnicexnuesx,uths,etihneteirnntaelrnrea-l sreaserca...
nTdhids isseccotivoenr pnreowvidaeps palni coavteiorvnisewfo orfB wGhsati narteh, eine tfhfoer atuttohocorsp' eviwewit,h thteh esixc h"ahlolettnesgte s of todayt'ospsiocsc"ie rteyl.atTedh itso sBeGctsi o(sneep Friogvuirdee 2s...