In a small town in 1989 Maine, seven bullied kids discover that a malevolent force is preying on the local children. When they realize that the town's adults can't protect them, they band together to destroy the monster, a killer clown called Pennywise. 69 Metascore 2017 R Drama, Horro...
In a small town in 1989 Maine, seven bullied kids discover that a malevolent force is preying on the local children. When they realize that the town's adults can't protect them, they band together to destroy the monster, a killer clown called Pennywise. ...
A Minnesota lawyer is forced to coach a ragtag peewee hockey team for community service in this 1992 fan favorite.The Mighty Ducks' success inspired two sequels, a cartoon, a streaming series, and gave name to a new NHL team; meanwhile, the kids from the movie are all grown up now and...
In a small town in 1989 Maine, seven bullied kids discover that a malevolent force is preying on the local children. When they realize that the town's adults can't protect them, they band together to destroy the monster, a killer clown called Pennywise. ...
Family man Clark Griswold is determined to stay at home and provide a warm, fun-filled Christmas for his family. But life has a way of throwing wet logs on his fire. 49Metascore 1989PG13Fantasy, Family, Comedy, Other Where to Watch ...
As the threat continues to exercise control over the place, they make a chilling discovery. Streaming Airings Subscriptions Subscriptions Subscriptions Subscriptions Buy/rent SD/$3.99 HD/$3.99 Buy/rent SD/$3.99 HD/$3.99 Buy/rent HD/$0 Buy/rent ...
When they realize that the town's adults can't protect them, they band together to destroy the monster, a killer clown called Pennywise. 69 Metascore 2017 R Drama, Horror, Fantasy, Suspense, Other Watchlist Where to Watch Gremlins 1 hr 46 mins When Billy Peltzer is given a strange ...
In a small town in 1989 Maine, seven bullied kids discover that a malevolent force is preying on the local children. When they realize that the town's adults can't protect them, they band together to destroy the monster, a killer clown called Pennywise. ...
In a small town in 1989 Maine, seven bullied kids discover that a malevolent force is preying on the local children. When they realize that the town's adults can't protect them, they band together to destroy the monster, a killer clown called Pennywise. ...
In a small town in 1989 Maine, seven bullied kids discover that a malevolent force is preying on the local children. When they realize that the town's adults can't protect them, they band together to destroy the monster, a killer clown called Pennywise. ...