Logistics in the simplest sense is getting materials from where they are produced to where they are needed. In the complex sense, this is about minimizing buffers, where you have too much material waiting to either be delivered or produced. In the base game it was simple, an empty belt was...
In the 16th century, the mathematician Robert Recorde wrote a book called “The Whetstone of Witte” to teach English students algebra. But he was getting tired of writing the words “is equal to” over and over. His solution? He replac...
This is a pretty common refactoring pattern for me, especially in SQL Server, because when a Fact table uses strings for Dimension values, SQL Server cannot do an "optimized bitmap filter trick": When a query plan uses a batch-mode hash join where one of the inputs is an optimized bitm...
How many solutions exist of the equation {eq}x_{1} + x_{2} + x_{3} + x_{4} + x_{5} = 12 {/eq}, where each {eq}x_{i} {/eq} is a positive integer?Positive Integer Equation:In this type of equation, the unknown {eq}x...
It is shown that if the incident li~ht is a parallel beam, the bands clo not lie in the wedge, but in the air in a plane passing through the edge of the wedge and perpendicular to the reflected light, and that-the distance between consecuti,•e bands is J,. / 2a. -On some ...
“Atomics is a very intricate theorem and can be worked out with algebra but you would want to take it by degrees because you might spend the whole night proving a bit of it with rulers and cosines and similar other instruments and then at the wind-up not believe what you had proved at...
Course enrolment decisions are potentially relevant to all students, both lower- and higher-achieving, so we explored them in the full cohort. We found that the growth mindset intervention increased the likelihood of students taking advanced mathematics (algebra II or higher) in tenth grade by 3 ...
,4. One can easily verify that the restricted factor shares sum to one in each sector. Also, given equation 26, one can show (with some algebra) thatγ L = α L and γ K j = α K j – that is, the income shares for aggregate nonfarm business equal their counterparts in the ...
Mode 7 was a mode where the background could be rendered in a way that imitated 3d perspective, and quickly rotated and transformed to keep up this illusion as the sprites moved. Really, like everything else in graphics programming, this just required some clever matrix algebra.) ...
Intheprevioussubsectionswediscussedhowknowledgeabouttheuserisusedbyintel ligentbrowsingagentstoimprovebrowsingbyrecommendinginterestinglinksandafterindexingtoimprovetherepresentationoftheindexeddocuments Thehistoryofuserin teraction posedqueriesandfeedbackcanalsobeusedtomodifytherepresentationoftheuser’sinformationneed...