It comes in two different forms heme and non-haem. Haem iron is found in animal products such as oysters, meat, poultry and fish. Non-haem iron is found in fruits and vegetables particularly dried fruits, molasses, and leafy green vegetables such as spinach and of course in iron ...
It was originally described as a complex composed of three polypeptides (H, M, and L) with the following cofactors: four bacteriochloro-phylls, two bacteriopheophytins, one carotenoid, one or two qui帽ones, and a non heme iron (1). Subunit H can be removed from the RC without loss of...
There are two types of dietary iron: heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron — which is the more readily absorbed type of iron — is found in meat, fish and poultry, whereas non-heme iron — which is also absorbed but to a lesser extent than heme iron — is found in both plant ...
mobilis and its EPR spectrum was found to be different from that observed upon low temperature illumination of heliobacterial membranes (Schricker and Nitschke, unpublished). We therefore still tend to assume that a genuine FA/FB subunit is present in heliobacteria. A further cytoplasmic subunit Ps...
bringing down oil prices. The prices of many other commodities, such as coal and iron ore, are down as well. Instead of oil prices staying up near the cost of extraction, they have fallen closer to the level consumers can afford. Needless to say, this is not good if the economy really...
1. A quinol is bound to the quinol oxidation site Qo and transfers the first electron along with a proton to the Rieske protein. The globular domain of now reduced, protonated Rieske protein reorientates to a position close to the heme group of the high potential cytochrome and transfers the...
As a non-fenton metal, Cd is unable to directly induce ROS [15]. However, indirectly, Cd induces oxidative stress by (1) a displacement of redox-active metals, (2) depletion of redox scavengers, (3) inhibition of anti-oxidant enzymes and (4) inhibition of the electron transport chain ...
Moreover, it has been suggested that mitochondrial stress can generate a non-cell-autonomous response, meaning the activation of a stress response in a cell/tissue that is not affected by the initial triggered stress event. For instance, in response to OXPHOS deficiency, muscle fibers secrete ...