Families who’ve made it to the Arizona-Mexico Border are lucky to secure space in a shelter. Now, after almost eight months of waiting in shelter La Casa de las Misericordia y Todas Naciones in Nogales, Sonora, our weaving teacher Carla’s number has been called, and she is leaving ...
Parker posted on Facebook about an experience in Nogales Mexico at a refuge for asylum seekers. Asylum is another word for seeking refuge. He pointed out Jesus was likely a person of colour born into the Jewish faith. For me, his birth is an ecumenical event. I wrote the following poem ...
the oldest fort in what would become the state of Arizona. Now it’s an artist colony and home to many galleries. When you’re finished gallery hopping, head toElvira’s restaurant,which was established in 1927 in Nogales, Mexico, and reopened in Tubac. ...
After Arizona was placed under lockdown, town manager Ronald Robinson made the decision to … Continue reading → April 1, 2020 · 1 Comment OSN APRIL 2020 Print Edition Hits the Streets! The April 2020 issue of the Orange Street News has hit the streets! This issue is a special ...
Address: 1447w laquintard.,nogalesarizona 85621 usatel:520 281 131/2810947 Employee emails Detail Sourcing from China Products: All + Create Labels Overview> Import data1 Partners1 Areas1 Ports1 Mon | Year Number of Transactions Quantity Weight The following trade report data is derived ...
Photo: Arizonatravelers/Instagram Eat at a Restaurant Built Into a Cliff About 75 minutes south of Tucson “The border wall runs straight through the city of Nogales, and you get a real sense of how intrusive it is for the people who live there. The area is architecturally fascinating, with...