Where is the user manual for Adobe Digital Editions? Views 942 Translate Translate Report Report Reply Sorry, unable to complete the action you requested. 1 Correct answer shreya • Adobe Employee , Mar 13, 2015 Install Adobe Digital Editions. You will find a book...
Press enter for Accessibility for blind people who use screen readers Press enter for Keyboard Navigation Press enter for Accessibility menu English CommunityLenovo PhonesLegion Phone Duel 2 Reply Topic Options Identify Your Device Submit OR Don't want to provide your seri...
As for the user manual, a hard copy of the user manual is included with every meter sold. The manual also has a section explaining the operation of the various types of sensors; thermopile, photodiode, and pyroelectric. Copies of the meter user manuals are available on the web site at: ...
The iPod touch User Guide - Apple Support in my second reply has iPod touch only in its title, but a 7th generation appears in the Your iPod touch chapter. I can only guess that the latter manual is the one the OP is looking for. However, this iPod is hardly "very old" (discontinue...
I can’t find the user manual or any of the support articles on snap makers website. Can someone please help?
aYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near \'where a.id=b.parent_id order by parent_id is null, parent_id 您有一个错误在您的SQL句法; 检查对应于您的MySQL服务器版本为正确的句法于用途近\ ‘的...
2.) Type “iPhone user guide for iOS 17”; search for that. 3.) Press the blue “Get” button next to the top search result. The iOS 17 user guide is free. 4.) Finally, press the blue or black “Read” button that appears after the user manual downloads. Now, it’s 236 pages...
I was looking for information on type 109 (user format) in the various *.pdf files in the "documentation" folder found in the TRNSYS directory. I guessed myself that by "manual" the author meant the "05-Mathematical Description" file, as this is where I later found a ...
[root@redhat ~]# whereis [-bmsu] 文件或者目录名称 参数说 明: -b : 只找二进制文件 -m: 只找在说明文件manual路径下的文件 -s : 只找source源文件 -u : 没有说明文档的文件 例如: [root@redhat ~]# whereis passwd passwd: /usr/bin/passwd /etc/passwd /usr/share/man/man1/passwd.1.gz...
aYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table group by content where jusername='14747474747' and islook='0' order by mid' at line 1 您有一个错误在您的SQL句法; 检查对应于您的MySQL服务器版本...