either in composing or rehearsing it, is that it’s lit up by the same fire I try to bring to my activist music, driven by an urgency that I want to feel in works I associate with the ongoing
Some from me, and lots from my family on here. Please listen closely to the requests for a unified and standardized UI. Look at the great things that your competition (competition is great!) is doing. Keep supporting your partners in the effort and really look at their ideas. Thanks ...
Seriously though, this is one of the best things I’ve done with my card lately and wanted to remind y’all of it too as it’s saved me GOBS of time over the past two yearssince implementing it. Particularly last week when we had our main credit card re-issued again during USAA’s...
But I getting old, too old for windows xp, here is why On my current system (not windows) I canplug a second monitor or beamer in my laptop and continue to work, it automatically changes resolution so I'm able to present some power point notes or whatever. THIS IS WAHT CAUSES T...
plug a second monitor or beamer in my laptop and continue to work, it automatically changes resolution so I'm able to present some power point notes or whatever. THIS IS WAHT CAUSES THE WOW EFFECT when other (windows) users look at me. I don't need to invoke display settings, cha...