This is one of the first sites many collectors in CT visit, and it is not hard to find something worth bringing home. The collecting status of this location is unclear (and with all sites featured on this website, you are responsible for obtaining permission and checking current property own...
Lost Booksis devoted to speculative fiction: “An ‘official’ Lost Book is one that is out of print and forgotten or back in print and forgotten. It can be a book written for young adults that is relatively unknown in mainstream speculative fiction…. one that was overlooked by the Hugo ...
Given that my residence building was steps from the nearest location, I found myself visiting regularly. At first, it was merely the most logical place to take just about everyone; the food was reasonably tasty and even more reasonably priced. I soon realized I was enjoying far more than th...
One of my favorite quotes has always been “Hell is Other People”. You could find it inscribed on buttons, bumper stickers, t-shirts, of course, now it has gone the way of the “Kilroy was here”. For the younger audience, I’m just waxing nostalgic. Of course, after many years of...