The original swimming pigs of The Bahamas live on Big Major Cay. The nearest inhabited island to this one isGreat Exuma, but you’ll need to get there by boat. If you want to catch a boat to Big Major Cay from Great Exuma orNassau, you’ll either need tobook a tour, charter your...
GP in Helensburgh, Scotland.I do, however have a major concern regarding the dental health of myself and my children.As yet, we have been unable to register with an NHS dentist.I called NHS Direct requesting details of our nearest NHS Dentist, and was disgusted to hear that the nearest ...
Really, other than that, almost all our needs can be met – online, locally, or with periodic trips to the nearest large shopping places for ‘provisions’. Like my ancestors did. Well, except for the online. We have the capability to ‘hunker down’ and outwait the Leftist Forces. We...