In Advanced Features there is something called Advanced Intelligence but the photo option there does not include the Portrait Studio. Why? The Samsung website thinks it should be part of Photo Assist.
Yes! Usually that is on the box or some literature that comes with the phone. I had no such info with my last Samsung device 0 Likes Reply want2know Asteroid Options 11-24-2023 08:28 PM in A Series & Other Mobile Thank you! It was in very small print. I almost h...
Samsung and Cookies This site uses cookies. By clicking ACCEPT or continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.Find out more here Read More Accept Choose your location and language. Contact Us Online There are a number of a different ways of contac...
Where to find downloaded files & my files folder on Samsung phone The location of your downloaded files will depend on the type of file you have downloaded and the app that you used to download it. Most of your files are organised within theMy Filesapp, however some files wil...
How to Recover Samsung Notes? | Lost and Found How to Empty Trash on Samsung Phone [All Effective Methods] Product-related questions?Contact Our Support Team to Get Quick Solution > Android RecoveryA Guide to Samsung Trash Folder: Where Is It and How to Recover...
This seems to be a recurring thing. Do you guys have this where the battery percentages don't add up ? Follow Me, like my posts and Mark as Solution if I helped solve your Problems. 1 Like Reply 7 REPLIES myistical First Poster 23-05-2024 04:15 AM These Samsung are haunted...
I remember I did save my passwords for Wi-Fi/app, etc. on my Samsung. But I suddenly forgot the passwords for them, how do I find them instead.–A User from Samsung Support CommunitiesI believe this Samsung user’s situation is by no means an isolated case, if you happen to also ...
Thanks, this is a solution for many situations and answers the question. However, this actually opens your router and allows you to look at the bands from there, not from the phone. It does not work in my case because the WiFi is coming from a bridged network that is c...
“This model is a testament to the pursuit of excellence that lies at the core of the Ferrari and LEGO Group ethos. No detail has been overlooked in the design and as someone with an engineering background myself, I’m blown away by the attention to detail and precision of the mode...
If you’re considering moving away from the Apple side, we strongly suggest reading ouriPhone vs Samsungguide. It’s a comprehensive list of the differences between both brands, allowing you to get the full picture of which mobile phone is better for you. Either way, the S25 series should ...