Unfortunately, the website has not yet been formatted to be responsive, so the text can appear quite small on mobile devices. Apart from this, the site is pleasantly designed and user-friendly. The menu is divided into authors, books, genres and collections: each book having an abstract, ex...
The above steps explain where to find Audible files on a Kindle Fire, but I couldn't find any Audible files there because my Kindle Fire is not rooted. If you're willing to take the risk of rooting your Kindle, you may be able to find them there. Otherwise, there's no need to sea...
can generally be accessedthrough the file explorer on your device. It is called My Files on most Samsung devices). Tap the file once to open or preview it. Select the Upload to Play Books option in the pop-up menu. Can Google Play Books read EPUB? Google Play Booksaccepts both EPUB 3...
a non-touchscreen but also non-QWERTY Kindle with a rather attractive price tag - just $79 (although it's more expensive in other countries). In place of the QWERTY keyboard there is a D-pad for navigation and four hard keys for home, menu, on-board keyboard and back 最后有全新的点燃...
FREE BOOK PREVIEW For the uninitiated (and perhaps even those in the know) “Where’s Merrill?” is a uniquely crafted fact-based mystery thriller which focuses on a real family and real events. In fact, it is two inter-related stories in one novel set i
There is hardly any genre of book you won’t find on the bookstore. There, you will have access to top free books which you can download or save on the Kindle for offline use. There are also tons of new books you can check out based on the search filter you use when searching. ...
Vision Dream Series is a Fantasy saga written byRobert Clifton Storey Jr The Vision Dream Series is an epic fantasy saga that follows Princess Angelterra on her quest to liberate her conquered homeland of Palzintine from the tyrannical sorcerer Shutharja. Guided by a prophetic vision dream, An...
To understand the philosophy of the Google Maps girl, the Bhagavad Gita offers a better guide than Buddhism. In response to my postTrump is Tamasik, my friend Karthik asked me to explain the difference between the Rajasika and Satvika guNas. The difference is this – unlike a person with ...
“Ellie!” I tease, tightening my grip on her. “Would you let me down? Miss Polly is here.” “And she said not to mind her.” I move over to a chair in the corner of the room and sit down, allowing her to straddle me. Not a hardship on my part. ...
On this level, WP7 is a resounding success. I found when I deliberately spent more time using the Mozart as my primary device, I actually spent less time using the phone. There are different reasons for this, of course. The selection of apps is woeful at this point in time, and of ...