In every part of the human body where there are joints, either connecting muscles, tendons, bones, or skin, you will find a bursa. They are all over the human body. Basically, a bursa is a fluid-filled sac that is found in the joints. The bursa acts as a cushion in the joints pre...
Infections such asLyme diseaseand Epstein-Barr virus Neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease Stroke Tumor Symptoms of vocal fold paralysis may include: Breathy voice Coughing or choking when swallowing Difficulty or inability to speak loudly ...
These organisms can be beneficial as well as harmful to human health. Some beneficial microbes like those found in the gut can facilitate digestion. On the other hand, harmful microbes can cause severe threats to the body by intruding the defense system that is the immune system of the body....
one should make sure that the pet Deer Mouseis not carrying Hantavirusesor the bacteria causing Lyme disease. They do not have the risk of carrying these diseases when they are captive bred in labs.
They say they used to suggest one until they found out they couldn’t, so I, er, allow them to follow the letter of the law if not exactly its spirit by asking what the suggested donation amount was back when they were suggesting one. The wry response is roughly what I’m carrying ...
“A stronglife forcemakes a human being totally alive, alert and present while a weakforceresults in sluggishness and fatigue. … The concept of alife forceis found in most of the ancient cultures of the world. In India, it is called prana; in China,chi; in Japan, ki; for Native Ameri...
LED light bulbs do not contain mercury, which can be found in CFL bulbs. However, like all-electric equipment, LEDs contain hazardous materials like arsenic, nickel, lead, and silver. This makes up a good point to ask yourself “Is it ok to throw one away in the trash?” Today I call...
Editing in February 21, 2015 - I've found that Dr. Stephanie Seneff is one of the more helpful information spreaders to tune into, and found this online related to vaccines. I'm also going to link over from the bottom of this grey box to where there's another topic I created yesterday...
For example, a new CDC study found there are more than 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease reported annually. Rochlin agreed that more must be done to monitor and control ticks, saying the country is in “dire need of a comprehensive tick control strategy and new tools to carr...
Clove essential oil is known as an immunostimulant. Eugenol, the main chemical component found in Clove bud essential oil, exhibited a significant immunosuppressive effect on DC functions, revealing that clove is a functional food that can ameliorate chronic inflammation and autoimmunity. Clove oil is...