The situation is almost Freudian in its logic: unable to adequately confront lived trauma through music, our emotionality has regressed, seriously, to the level of very small children. Check, Animal Collective connects on the basis that their songs are the audio equivalent of finger paintings; ...
The public spat between Azealia Banks and Perez Hiton must be understood within a larger context, beyond the binary logic of right and wrong. It is profoundly problematic that much of the cultural criticism framing this fiasco is couched in the “two wrongs don’t make a right” argument. Th...
I don't know anything about dating, but the subject is intriguing to me because I have so many male and female friends who are looking for someone to date. After taking a look at different stories about dating advice, here are some of the things experts are suggesting for single people w...
All I want is glory in the crib for my lil ma to live in If you got a story then you tell it then they gotta listen Where you been? (Where you been?) Where you goin'? (Where you goin'?) Don’t be so emotional Just staring at this open road Two seconds I turn off my phone...
It would take ridiculous leaps of logic to conclude that my response could be viewed as a threat, and that’s only if you decided to read it without knowing how English worked in any way whatsoever.Now, this incident in and of itself is deeply silly, but it points to a more serious ...
The creature known to locals as ‘Nessie’ is another creation of the 20th century and a common subject of spurious photography. Despite, you know, logic, various professional expeditions have taken place using expensive equipment to seek out this urban myth. If you grew up in Scotland, you’...
After weeks of running lots and lots of miles, one begins to question the logic of a training program when it says they only have to run 8 miles for their long run. Madness, I tell you, Madness. Runner’s also use their running to mourn, celebrate and even advocate. Many, MANY ...
the training moves into a stage called “The Taper”. This is the stage of training where the overall number of miles per week and the long run distances are reduced leading up to race day. After weeks of running lots and lots of miles, one begins to question the logic of a training ...
TensorFlow is a stand out powerful, accessible, functionality, coupled with the stunning growth of its user base.The release of TensorFlow 1.0, Google has pushed the frontiers of machine learning further in a number of directions Smartphones , cloud services. One of the most impressive new capabi...