Alberta Alberta was the third most populous province of South Asians in Canada. Across the province, the CMAs and CAs with the biggest South Asian populations were: Calgary—138,280 people; Edmonton—109,615 people; Wood Buffalo—4,310 people; Lethbridge—2,790 people; and Red Deer—2,240 ...
The old Shell Station in the fourth episode, "Please Hold to My Hand", was a set built in an empty rest area ten miles south of Strathmore. Image courtesy of HBO - Map The crumbling railway bridge is the Lethbridge Viaduct (also known as the High Level Bridge), as seen from the Crow...
“Phil got his PhD in optical engineering and is working on the telescope with which they hope to bring in Heaven by the end of the century. Rita is in the Peace Corps some place where they can only get a message out by bottle but finds her life fulfilling and thinks the dysentery is...
Where horseplay is welcome.The article provides information on Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park near Lethbridge, Alberta, and the Writing-on-Stone annual rodeo held nearby in August.COUNTERROSEMARYEBSCO_AspMacleans