Melanin is a highly irregular heteropolymer consisting of monomeric units derived from the enzymatic oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine. The process of melanin formation takes place in specialized acidic organelles (melanosomes) in melanocytes. ... It is known thatmelanin is always bound to prote...
Neuroendocrine cells are the third type of prostatic epithelial cells in addition to secretory cells and basal cells in normal prostate glands. Neuroendocrine cells in prostate cancer are believed to derive from neuroendocrine cells or their stem precurs
The evidence derived from studies using ultrafine PM has also led to a rapidly growing interest in the toxicology of man-made, manufactured or engineered NPs in the last 15 years. Interestingly, there is a significant overlap in the toxicology of ultrafine particles and engineered NPs and cross ...
The evidence derived from studies using ultrafine PM has also led to a rapidly growing interest in the toxicology of man-made, manufactured or engineered NPs in the last 15 years. Interestingly, there is a significant overlap in the toxicology of ultrafine particles and engineered NPs and cross ...
However, in the outer foreskin these cells are thought to reside beneath the highly keratinized epithelia and are less accessible for HIV-1. In contrast, in the inner foreskin where the keratin layer is thin, LCs are probably the first target cells that HIV-1 encounters. Here LCs are more...
In Oriental practice, Qi Gong is regarded as a source of harmony, health and happiness. It comprises a series of exercises derived from traditional Chinese medicine and in part even from martial arts. Qi Gong involves meditation, concentration, breath control and flowing body movements, which ...
Although there is no universal biomaterial that meets scaffolding requirements for all types of tissues, proteins as constituent parts of natural tissues are reasonable candidates for applications in TE. Natural proteins such as collagens, elastin, keratins, elastin-like peptides, albumin, fibrin and...
The preselected population of cells can be a population of non-keratinized or keratinized epithelial cells or a population of mesodermally derived cells selected from the group consisting of fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, skeletal muscle cells, cardiac muscle cells, multi-potential progenitor cells...
6.3. Aβ Fibrils Histopathologic analyses of brain tissue derived from post-mortem examinations of patients that suffered from Alzheimer's disease reveal large inclusions in the neural tissue that are composed of large quantities of amyloid fibrils [165,166]. It has been suggested that a propensity...