Royal Kona Resort | Best Hotel near Kailua-Kona The Royal Kona Resort is a great option as it offers things that no other hotel can. It has its very own private lagoon with remarkable turquoise water, an on-site spa and wellness center with masseuses, and has a renowned in-house restaura...
Kohanaiki, 73-2055 Ala Kohanaiki, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 +1 (808) 3. Il Sereno, Lake Como, Italy While Lake Como inItalyitself is the perfect spot for a dip, another slightly warmer option comes at Il Sereno, which overlooks it. It’s the newest hotel and the...
and his home is one of the very best properties at which we’ve ever stayed. The location and ambiance are really hard to beat. If we are ever back in Honolulu, we would pick this house again in a heart
HI; Hilo, HI; Honolulu, HI; Houston, TX; Kailua-Kona, HI; Ka Lae, HI; Kitt Peak, AZ; Los Angeles, CA; Malibu, CA; Marble Canyon, AZ; Mauna Kea, HI; Middletown, CT; Minneapolis, MN; Monterey, CA; Mount Hopkins, AZ; Mount Vernon, WA; Mountain View, CA; North Rim, AZ; Oakl...
It is half an hour to Hapuna beach, but on the drive there you can see whales just offshore and it's a much nicer drive than from Kailua-Kona toWaikoloa. If you can handle a small renovated in, I suggest the very inexpensiveKohalaInn ...