the hash in unpredictable, so the only way to find a hash that starts with enough zeroes is to modify the block and try again. The block can change if a new transaction is added in the meantime, or otherwise simply by incrementing the “small arbitrary part” ...
I setup a brand new cluster made of 3 CentOS 8 nodes (1 master 2 slaves) and tried every combination of Kubernetes versions 1.18.0, 1.17.4 and 1.17.3 with ipvs and iptables; the situation is exactly the same as what I had on CentOS 7, same issues, same errors. Network configuration ...
Fail2ban has block a test ip address...I cannot find where to unblock it /var/lib/iptables doesnt exist! The webmin document is way outdated on directs me to /var/lib/iptables for the fail2ban blocked ip list. That directory doesnt existing on my Debian VPS!!! So where...