The power of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) rests on several foundations: (i) there is a significant amount of additive genetic variation, (ii) individual causal polymorphisms often have sizable effects and (iii) they segregate at moderate-to-int
The power of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) rests on several foundations: (i) there is a significant amount of additive genetic variation, (ii) individual causal polymorphisms often have sizable effects and (iii) they segregate at moderate-to-int
Addison Wesley Longman, Harlow, Essex, UK. Gjuvsland AB, Plahte E, A˚ dnøy T, Omholt SW (2010). Allele Interaction – Single Locus Genetics Meets Regulatory Biology. PLoS One 5: e9379. Gjuvsland AB, Vik OJ, Woolliams JA, Omholt SW (2011). Order-preserving principles ...
For example if reflection suppression is required in a sector in the shadow of a large building or a hill the power of P 1 1 and P 2 1 is increased relative to other sectors.OWEN, PHILIP COLLINSON, HARLOW, ESSEX GROSSBRITANNIEN